

Prevailing Wage 101 Webinar

Tuesday, July 30

11:00am – 12:00pm CT

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Join us for a FREE hour-long webinar on prevailing wage in Illinois!

Melissa Binetti, Attorney at the IIIFFC, will discuss the basics of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act and recent updates. Frank Manzo IV, Economist at the Illinois Economic Policy Institute (ILEPI), will discuss the economic impacts of prevailing wage. A Q&A will follow.

This webinar is essential for public bodies and contractors who are bidding on public works projects in Illinois.

Attorneys who attend will receive 1 CLE credit.

Tuesday, July 30

Prevailing Wage 101 Webinar

Join us for a FREE hour-long webinar on prevailing wage in Illinois! Speakers will present updates on the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act and the economic impacts of the law. A Q&A will follow. This webinar is essential for public bodies and contractors who are bidding on public works projects in Illinois. Attorneys who attend will receive 1 CLE credit.